The Village is in receipt of an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property known as 38 and 40 Broadway Street. The vacant lands are located on the east corner of Broadway Street and Emmot Street. A location map is attached to this Notice.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment application (File: ZBA-01-2024) is to rezone the lands from “Residential First Density (R1)” to a new site-specific “Residential First Density exception 7 (R1-7)” zone. The effect of the rezoning would permit 4 Townhouse Dwellings on the property; reduce the Minimum Front Yard Depth and Minimum Rear Yard Depth; and increase the Maximum Lot Coverage as shown on the table below. A concept plan of the proposed development is attached to this Notice.
(See attachment for complete application)
